Lysozyme is present in tears and has the ability to inhibit bacterial growth. In addition, it acts as a physiological scavenger for harmful substances. In the present study, sixteen tear samples from people of different ages were evaluated for their antibacterial spectrum against selected bacterial strains (
Human tears contain a secretory protein known as lysozyme. Tears have the ability to inhibit bacterial growth and also act as a physiological scavenger for hydrophobic and potentially harmful molecules. Tear fluid covers the entire ocular surface performing barrier function, lubrication, and antimicrobial protection. Good visual acuity is dependent on the normal tear fluid as it provides a smoother ocular surface, which is important for the optical properties of the eye [1, 2]. Naturally, tear fluids are composed of water, mucins, oils and electrolytes. Moreover, they contain some anti-bacterial substances protecting eyes against infections. Both
As described previously, tears are mainly composed of water, salts, antibodies and lysozymes having both antimicrobial and immunological activities. It provides bacteriostatic as well as bactericidal properties to tear’s fluid [9]. The antibacterial properties of lysozyme are well known and are also used in the food industry to limit the proliferation of lactic acid bacteria spoilage in the production of wine and beer. Similarly, it is also used to inhibit butyric acid fermentation in hard and extra hard cheeses (late blowing) caused by the outgrowth of clostridial spores [10]. An earlier report published by the Friedlland et al show that the non-lysozyme factors are mainly responsible for bactericidal properties of tears, while lysozyme is responsible for only 0.5% antibacterial activity [11]. However, later on, another study reported that lysozyme, tear specific pre-albumin, and glycoprotein are mainly responsible for antibacterial activities of tear [12]. Moreover, the important anti-bacterial role of lysozyme was reinforced by Seal and coauthors. They have reported that the antibacterial activities of tears completely disappear, when the anti-lysozyme antiserum is added with tears. Since lysozyme corresponds to 30% of the tear proteins and has been described as the main antibacterial component of tear fluid [13]. In addition, the lactoferrin has also been reported to possess antiviral activity [14].
Lysozyme (EC is the most extensively studied antimicrobial enzyme. It exists in several mammalian secretions: milk, saliva and tears. It is a low molecular weight enzyme (14,307 Dalton) consisting 129 amino acids, which are cross-linked by four disulphide bridges. Lysozyme has lytic activity on the β (1→4) glycosidic bond between
The Ethical Committee of the Department of Biochemistry granted approval for conducting this study. Approval was taken from the University Review Board prior to starting a collection of tear samples from volunteers (Approval NO UOM/ETC/105). All the participants included in the study were explained the nature of the study and provided informed consent in English as well as in local languages and consent was taken. All ethical principles of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki were followed. Samples of human tears used in this experiment were collected from pupils of different ages. A total of 16 different tears samples were evaluated for the antimicrobial activity using the agar diffusion assay. These samples were categorized into four groups: children (1-16 years), young (25∼28 years), adult (40∼42 years) and old (60∼65 years). Each group was comprised of 4 volunteers; two male and two female.
Using direct aspiration method, tear samples were collected by means of capillary pipettes from healthy volunteers. For children below the age of 18 years consents of their parents were taken. Tears were secreted voluntarily without using any chemical agent. From each group of volunteers the tear samples were taken on a sunny day from 9:00 to 11:00 am in the morning. The samples were collected and brought to Biochemistry Laboratory, University of Malakand for evaluation. The groups were given subjective numbers, and the detail of which is given as:
Tear samples from old group (60∼65 years)
Tear samples from adult group (40∼42 years)
Tear samples from young group (25∼28 years)
Tear samples from children group (1∼16 years)
For the preparation of standard bacterial suspension, the average number of viable
The antibacterial spectrum of the tear samples was determined by using a radial diffusion assay as described previously [17]. In brief, under laminar flow, 25 mL sterilized nutrient agar solutions (28 g/L) were introduced into sterilized Petri dishes and allowed to cool and solidify. The sterilization of nutrient agar solutions was done at 121°C for 15 min and bacteria were grown. After that, bacteria were washed with 10 mM Tris, pH 7.4 and plated and four wells were made in each plate using sterile cork-borer No.8 and to the well 10 μL of tear sample was added and allowed to diffuse at room temperature for 2 hours. The arbitrary numbers from 1∼4 were given to the plates to differentiate among different age groups. Phosphate buffer saline (PBS) was used as negative control. Cotton swab was used for inoculation of bacterial strains. After the inoculation process, the plates were incubated at 37°C. After 24 hours, the plates were removed from the incubator and observed for antibacterial activity. Ampicillin (10 μg/mL (ThermoScientific, Oxoid, London, UK) was used as standard drug. The final concentrations of bacteria on plates were measured as a zone of inhibition in mm.
The concentration of lysozyme was determined spectrophotometrically by the decrease in optical density at 450 nm of a
Values were expressed as mean±SD. One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out, followed by Tukey multiple comparison test (post hoc) to determine the statistical difference (
The effect of human tear samples against bacterial growth was evaluated and compared with the standard. The results for antibacterial activity of each age group were shown as mean±standard deviation (
A=Tear sample+
B=Tear sample+
C=Tear sample+
D=Tear sample+
Antibacterial activity of tear samples against
Antibacterial activity of tear samples against
Antibacterial activity of tear samples against
Antibacterial activity of tear samples against
In comparison to negative control, all tear samples significantly inhibited the growth of
The effect of tear samples on the growth of
As indicated in Figure 3, all the tear samples exerted maximum antibacterial activity against
The effect of tear samples on the growth of
As presented in Table 1, there was noted a significant difference between bacterial inhibitory activity between “children versus young”, young versus adult” and “adult versus old” with
Comparison of bacterial inhibitory activity among group
Comparison | |
Children versus Young | |
Children versus Adult | No significantly |
Children versus Old | No significantly |
Young versus Adult | |
Young versus Old | No significantly |
Adult versus Old |
As presented in Figure 5, the concentration of lysozyme in the children tear samples was found in the range of 1.7 mg/mL. In the young group, lysozyme concentration was 1.95 mg/mL. In adult tear samples, the concentration of lysozyme was from 2.13 mg/mL, while in the old tear samples, the concentration of lysozyme was 1.76 mg/mL.
Lysozyme concentration in different tear samples.
In the present study, sixteen different tear samples of different age groups were evaluated for their antibacterial activities against four different strains of bacteria. Tear samples were collected from children, young, adult, and old persons. All these samples were categorized in four groups as described above. The results showed that these tear samples possess potential antibacterial activities against gram positive and gram negative bacterial strains. The standard ampicillin showed maximum antimicrobial activity, which was used as a reference. In literature the antibacterial and antifungal spectrum of tears has been investigated. However, the antibacterial spectrum of human tear with respect to age has not been evaluated, and this is the first report of antibacterial activity of tears with respect to age. According to Blaker et al., the action of tears against fungal infection would complement the numerous bacterial defenses already described for the eye and would be valuable in the mouth, trachea, and other locations [19]. Human tear lipocalin acts as a scavenger for oxidative-stress-induced lipid peroxidation products in a cell culture system [20, 21]. In the first group, tear samples of children showed antimicrobial activity as D>A>C>B. The tear samples from children showed significant inhibition against gram negative bacteria
All the authors are thankful to Higher Education Commission of Pakistan for providing funds and research facilities in our laboratory.