The Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science : eISSN 2288-1662 / pISSN 1738-3544

Table 1.

Spearman correlation, agreement and ICC analysis between the Neubauer chamber and three manual microscopic examinations for RBC and WBC

Method Neubauer cell counting chamber

r Agreement rate (N=201), N (%) ICC

Same grade Within ±1 grade ICC (3.1) 95% CI
Novel protocol
RBC 0.982* 173 (86.1) 200 (99.5) 0.990* 0.986∼0.993
WBC 0.982* 178 (88.6) 200 (99.5) 0.989* 0.985∼0.992
S & M labs (1 drop)
RBC 0.876* 24 (11.9) 135 (67.2) 0.561* ‒0.216∼0.820
WBC 0.876* 27 (13.4) 149 (74.1) 0.492* ‒0.218∼0.777
S & M labs (0.015 mL)
RBC 0.966* 139 (69.2) 201 (100) 0.939* 0.710∼0.976
WBC 0.969* 144 (71.6) 201 (100) 0.914* 0.555∼0.967
RBC 0.980* 161 (80.1) 201 (100) 0.973* 0.872∼0.989
WBC 0.986* 171 (85.1) 201 (100) 0.968* 0.839∼0.987


Abbreviations: ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; RBC, red blood cell; WBC, white blood cell; S & M labs, smaller or medium-sized laboratory; KAEQAS, Korean Association of External Quality Assessment Service; r, Spearman correlation coefficient; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval.

Korean J Clin Lab Sci 2024;56:135-46
© 2024 Korean J Clin Lab Sci