The Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science : eISSN 2288-1662 / pISSN 1738-3544

Table 1.

The descriptions of the popular methods for scRNA-seq pipelines

Task Tool (language) Year Description
General scRNA-seq Seurat (R) 2015∼2023 A popular R package for the preprocessing and explorative downstream analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing data. Commonly, it is used with a variety of R-based package
General scRNA-seq Scanpy (Python) 2018 A popular Python package for the preprocessing and explorative downstream analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing data. Commonly, it is used with a variety of Python-based package
Empty-drop identification EmptyDrops (R) 2019 It estimates the background levels of RNA present in empty droplets, then identifies droplets containing cell that significantly deviate from the background
Ambient RNA identification DecontX (Python) 2020 It utilizes Bayesian method to estimate the percentage of contaminating transcripts from ambient RNA, then removing contaminated transcripts in each cell data
Doublet identification DoubletFinder (R) Scrublet (Python) 2019 2019 Generate artificial doublets using a nearest-neighbor algorithm, then identifies the doublets that are similar to artificial doublets
Normalization SCtransform (R) 2019 It utilizes regularized negative binomial regression, which represent normalized data value without affected by technical issues
Visualization t-SNE (R, Python) UMAP (R, Python) 2008 2018 Both are unsupervised non-linear dimensionality reduction method for visualization. UMAP has been rapidly overtaking t-SNE due to its superior ability to preserve large-scale structures
Differential expression testing ROTSvoom (R) D3E (Python) Limma-trend (R) Wilcoxon rank-sum (R, Python) 2020 They are famous packages for differential expression testing, which show good performance after prefiltering lowly expressed genes. Wilcoxon rank-sum test is most widely used option
Pseudotime Monocle3 (R) scTEP (R) 2019 2023 Monocle3 is the most popular package for pseudotime while scTEP is the most recently developed package, which may show better accuracy

Abbreviations: scRNA-seq, single-cell RNA-sequencing; t-SNE, t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding; UMAP, uniform manifold approximation and projection; scTEP, single-cell data trajectory inference method using ensemble pseudotime.

Korean J Clin Lab Sci 2024;56:10-20
© 2024 Korean J Clin Lab Sci