The Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science : eISSN 2288-1662 / pISSN 1738-3544

Table 2.

The pH, titrated acid and buffer effect of drinks

Group pH** Modified pH** (7.0 - pH) Titrated acid** (µL/50 mL) Buffer effect** (µL/∆pH)
C 2.61±0.02a) 4.39±0.02 41.30±4.72a) 9.40±1.06a)
F 3.08±0.26b) 3.92±0.12 150.21±2.08b) 38.31±1.82b)
F. milk 3.62±0.03c) 3.39±0.03 272.32±10.60c) 80.33±3.64c)
Milk 6.81±0.04d) 0.19±0.04 14.00±0.58d) 73.68±14.85c)
0.25% glucose TSB (control) 7.13±0.02e) 0 0 0


Buffer effect: titrated acid/modified pH.

**P<0.01, by Kruscal-Wallis test.

a),b),c),d),e)The same letter indicates no significant difference by Mann-Whitney test.

Abbreviations: C, carbonated drink; F, fruit drink; F. milk, fermented milk; TSB, tryticase soy broth.

Korean J Clin Lab Sci 2023;55:195-202
© 2023 Korean J Clin Lab Sci