Genotype-based mRNA expression in tissue using data from the GTEx Portal for SNP (rs1408049) in NDFIP2 (P-value= 0.000066, NES=−0.085). Significant association between genotypes and NDFIP2 expression levels in the GTEx portal was detected with the linear regression model and based on a P-value threshold determined by a web-based eQTL calculator on the GTEx portal. The allele effect on NDFIP2 gene expression levels is shown by boxplots within violin plot. C and G alleles indicate the major and minor allele types, respectively. The white line in the box plot (black) shows the median value of the gene expression at each genotype. When having a minor allele (C>G), it shows that the gene expression level was increased. P-value are calculated with the linear regression model. NES (normalized effect size) means the slope of the linear regression model.
© 2021 Korean J Clin Lab Sci