The Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science : eISSN 2288-1662 / pISSN 1738-3544

Table 2.

Results of complete blood cell count and blood coagulation test in subjects

Item Total (N=184) Male (N=99) Female (N=85) F t

WBC (103 μL) 9.61±5.24 10.05±5.67 9.09±4.67 0.76 1.24
RBC (1012 L) 3.98±0.69 4.07±0.76 3.89±0.59 3.63 1.79
Hb (g/dL) 12.38±2.20 12.69±2.43 12.01±1.86 8.65** 2.16*
Hct (%) 35.51±6.55 36.59±7.19 34.25±5.48 5.19* 2.50*
PLT (103/μL) 222.02±85.93 218.98±90.54 225.55±80.62 0.65 −0.52
Seg (%) 68.71±16.13 68.92±15.69 68.47±16.70 0.25 0.18
Lym (%) 22.10±13.97 22.44±14.69 21.71±13.15 0.24 0.36
Mono (%) 7.21±3.09 7.44±3.19 6.93±2.97 0.14 1.13
Eosin (%) 1.62±1.99 1.49±1.62 1.78±2.37 3.40 −0.95
Baso (%) 0.20±0.41 0.18±0.41 0.21±0.41 0.71 −0.49
PT 13.51±7.74 12.88±2.53 14.25±11.05 5.54* −1.11
PT INR 1.61±6.98 2.03±9.49 1.11±0.60 2.83 0.89
PTT 28.50±6.58 29.18±5.03 27.71±7.99 0.44 1.50

Abbreviations: WBC, white blood cell; RBC, red blood cell; Hb, hemoglobin; Hct, hematocrit; PLT, platelet; Seg, segmented neutrophil granulocyte; Lym, lymphocyte; Mono, monocyte; Eosin, eosinophil granulocyte; Baso, basophil granulocyte; PT, prothrombin time; PT INR, prothrombin time international normalized ratio; PTT, partial thromboplastin time.

*P<0.05, **P<0.01 by independent t-test.

Korean J Clin Lab Sci 2020;52:172-80
© 2020 Korean J Clin Lab Sci