The Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science : eISSN 2288-1662 / pISSN 1738-3544

Table 3.

Frequency analysis of general characteristics and cut-off corrections status of specimen subjects (N=611)

Characteristic Frequency
Cut-off correction
No 533 (87.2)
Yes 78 (12.8)
Male 356 (58.3)
Female 255 (41.7)
KR 289 (47.3)
KD 116 (19.0)
LR 78 (12.8)
BMD 48 (7.9)
LD 47 (7.7)
Etc. 33 (5.4)

n (%).

Abbreviations: KR, kidney recipient; KD, kidney donor; LR, liver reci-pient; BMD, donor for bone marrow transplantation ; LD, liver donor.

Korean J Clin Lab Sci 2023;55:132-42
© 2023 Korean J Clin Lab Sci